Common Treatments for Groin and Buttock Pain

August 17, 2023

50 million adults in the US complain of chronic pain, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Debilitating pain can occur due to several reasons, including chronic conditions such as arthritis or past injuries.

Groin and buttock pain can cause symptoms such as tingling, pain, or numbness. We will comprehensively make you understand the common causes, symptoms, treatment options, and when you should contact us.

Causes of Groin and Buttock Pain

There is a close link between your groin and buttock. These two parts share the same ligaments, bones, and tendons. Any infection on these bodily structures can cause pain in your groin and buttock.

Anyone can experience chronic pain; in young people, the most likely cause is muscle tears or strains, which is common in athletes. It may be due to an inguinal hernia or arthritis in older adults. Some of the most common causes include:


As you grow older, your bone cartilage which allows movement of your joints can wear down. The wearing down will lead to inflammation and joint pain, medically known as osteoarthritis.
Stiffness and severe pain in the groin and joints are the medical hallmark symptoms of this condition. You can also note clicking or grinding sounds when you try to move your hip.


Muscle strains are common for people who indulge in strenuous activities such as sports. During an activity, you may strain your adductor muscles, leading to groin or buttock pain. It can also occur when you awkwardly move your hip joint, leading to tearing or stretching of your thigh muscles. 

The pain due to muscle or groin strains is sharp and sudden; it increases in intensity when you try squeezing your legs together. You will also feel acute pain when you raise the knee on the injured side.


The upper part of your femur is most susceptible to fractures after an accident or fall. People with underlying conditions such as osteoporosis or osteoarthritis are likely to have a fracture. This condition is excruciating, and you might be unable to move your leg. You will experience pain in the buttocks and legs.

What Treatment Options are Available?

Treatment of buttock and groin pain depends on the cause and severity of the symptoms. But standard treatment methods include:


For mild pain, you will only require simple lifestyle changes and care. Resting, icing the affected area, and wrapping the area with a compression wrap can help alleviate the pain. Identify any activities that may increase the intensity of pain and limit them.


Pain medications such as Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help decrease the pain level. These medications are often helpful in conditions such as osteoarthritis or groin strain.


Physical therapy is crucial if the cause of buttock and groin pain is hip-related. This method helps minimize compression on your muscles. It works to restore the movement of fluid and reduce strain, which reduces pain. For conditions such as osteoarthritis, long-term physical therapy is needed.


Conditions such as hip joint infection, inguinal hernia, or testicular torsion which can contribute to buttock and groin pain, require surgery. Also, for advanced stages of hip arthritis, surgery is needed to perform a hip replacement. 

We Can Help Manage Groin and Buttock Pain 

Don’t let the pain in your groin and buttock diminish the quality of your life. At Spine Diagnostic, we are always ready to help you get customized treatment. 

Whether you require physical therapy, pain medications, or surgery, our top goal is to ensure you are pain-free and lead a comfortable life. Feel free to fill out our form below and contact us. 

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